Aphex Twin - Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments Pt. 2

Aphex Twin has announced a new EP entitled 'Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments Pt. 2'. Set to be released on January 23rd 2015 it will follow the electronic musicians's well acclaimed last album 'Syro' which featured highly in my top albums of the year list. Can't wait to hear this new offering!

'diskhat ALL prepared1mixed 13'
'piano un1 arpej' 
'hat 2b 2012b' 
'disk aud1_12' 
'0035 1-Audio' 
'disk prep calrec2 barn dance [slo]' 
'piano un10 it happened' 
'hat5c 0001 rec-4'

See where the album came on my Top Albums of 2014 here: 


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