Album Review: Pulled Apart by Horses - Blood

Pulled Apart by Horses new album Blood is a pure rock from start to finish record. Something which I love, however I feel that on Blood, something is missing. There is lack of excitement compared to the last couple of albums PABH have released. However, this does not mean at all that the LP does not have its gems, opener Hot Squash is a punch in the face, headbanger of power and a great start to the LP, and Grim Deal is a mix of intricate verses and a great chorus, but this feeling is quickly lost on second track ADHD in HD a generic loud rock track that doesn't hold any charm, this feeling remains through most of my listen, while enjoyable enough, it lacks the power that comes across in PABH's live shows and their earlier work, it almost feels as if the band weren't fully invested into these songs.

Overall Rating: 6/10
Best Track: Hot Squash


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